2021大鵬灣鐵人三項:COROS PACE 2 實測紀錄
台灣每年12月的大鵬灣鐵人三項競賽,可說是台灣三鐵的經典賽事,因為可以騎自行車馳騁在國道上,是一件既難得就舒服的事情,而在2021年的大鵬灣鐵人三項競賽,有一位熱情的 COROS PACE 2 用戶,戴著她心愛的 PACE 2 進行訓練並且完成比賽,也很開心地跟我們分享她的使用體驗,接著來看看這位年輕鐵人的分享及數據。
Watch feedback
- Long longevity: If I use the watch daily, with 1 exercise for about two days, the battery would run out after two to three weeks, which is beneficial as I would not need to charge it often. (My last watch, Garmin forerunner 935, needs to charge every four to five days)
- When I was having 51.5 triathlon competition, it only took up around 15 to 20 percent of my battery.
- Syncing: The syncing of the information between the phone and the watch is easy and efficient. I would not need to wait for a long time to sync my information.
- Swimming: Even though it requires the user to manually set up the meters of the pool, it is way more accurate on calculating the laps and the distance.
- Resume function: Whenever I stopped the watch (running/bicycling/swimming) and when it shows the resume and finish button, it automatically starts the stopwatch of you staying in the resume page until you resume. I found the function useful because I can do interval trainings without complex settings beforehand.
- Light: The watch is super light, and with the nylon band, it can dry easily after swimming and further reduces the weight.
- 續航力強:像我每天戴著這隻手錶,大約2天做1次訓練,電池會在2到3周後耗盡,這對我相當有幫助,因為我不需要經常充電(我的上一隻手錶 Garmin forerunner 935,每隔 4~5 天就需要充電)。當我參加大鵬灣 51.5 鐵人三項比賽時,手錶只用了 15% 到 20% 左右的電力。
- 同步性:手機和手錶之間的數據同步很容易也很有效率。我不需要等待很長的時間來同步我的數據。
- 游泳:雖然它需要用戶手動設置游泳池的長度,但它在計算圈數和距離方面更加準確。
- 暫停與繼續的功能:每當我運動時把手錶暫停時(跑步/自行車/游泳),手錶會顯示繼續和結束的按鈕,此時它會自動啟動碼錶計算時間,等待我選擇繼續或是結束運動。我發現這個功能很有用,因為我可以用這功能來做間歇訓練而不需要事先進行複雜的設定。
- 重量輕:這隻手錶超輕,搭配尼龍錶帶,游泳後很快就乾了,並且進一步減輕了重量。
選手也跟我們分享了她的 PACE 2 紀錄數據: